Instructional Practices
6. Special education personnel provide specially designed instruction using evidence-based practices to ensure the opportunity for participation and progress in the general education curriculum.
a. All students receive instruction in curriculum aligned with the State’s
Learning Standards.
b. IEPs are developed in consideration of grade-level standards.
c. Student data are used to support development of and changes to student IEPs
d. A collaborative decision-making process is used by the IEP team to inform
instruction and program decisions.
e. IEPs are implemented and reviewed by educators, families, and students
to ensure that students are meeting their annual goals.
f. Evidence-based practices are implemented.
g. Instruction is individually planned and continually assessed to maximize student learning.
h. Goal directed, explicit instruction is used to teach academic and social emotional content and skills.
i. Instructional groups are appropriate to support learner outcomes.
j. Individualized supports and structures are in place to meet the needs of students within the general education setting.
k. Students with IEPs receive instructional materials in alternative formats at
the same time other students in the class receive their instructional
l. Approved adaptations (accommodations and modifications) are
individualized to meet each student’s needs and used during instruction
and assessment.
m. The district/school supports principles of school-wide positive behavior
practices with a proactive approach to behavior.
n. Evidence-based intensive individualized interventions for students with
chronic and severe behavioral difficulties are in place.
o. A comprehensive evaluation including a Functional Behavioral
Assessment is conducted for each student with behavioral concerns to
identify the function of the behavior.
p. Students with behavior supports have individualized positive behavior intervention plans that include all the required components.
q. Self-regulation and executive functioning are an integral part of instruction, compensatory strategies, and effective habits of mind.
r. Students' individualized needs for assistive technology devices and services are considered, accommodated, and incorporated into the daily instruction plan for each student.
s. Students use technology with scaffolded supports building toward independence.
t. Each student has a meaningful communication system (i.e., verbal/AAAC/sign/pictures) that is efficient, effective, functional, and understandable across a variety of people, environments, and content.
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