8. Special Education personnel engage students in self-advocacy, determination of their own educational goals/plans, opportunities for career development, participation in work-based learning, and identification of necessary adult services and supports. 

a. Students attend their individualized education program (IEP) meetings. 

b. The student actively participates in his/her IEP by providing input regarding decisions. 

c. Students facilitate their own individualized education program (IEP)

d. Students provide input regarding the development of academic and social goals as well as reporting on progress toward those goals.

e. Transition planning and exploration of postsecondary opportunities
begins when students are 14 and one half.

f. Students and their families actively participate in the transition planning

g. Students provide information on their choices, preferences, and interests
during planning processes for the development of goals for adulthood.

h. Students engage in career planning, age-appropriate transition
assessments, work-based learning opportunities, and the selection of
courses of study to prepare them for post-secondary living, working, and

i. Students with IEPs have the opportunity for community-based instruction
and work experiences that are linked to the general curriculum and
classroom instruction.

j. Students with IEPs and their families are provided early and clear
information on graduation requirements and education to 22 years of

k. Students are provided instruction to develop lifelong learning skills such
as self-advocacy, social-emotional skills, higher-order thinking,
employability skills, and consumer and life skills.

l. Schools provide timely student and family connections to post-secondary
supports and services through local and state agency programs and

m. Community agencies and post-secondary schools are invited to actively
participate in IEP meetings, as appropriate for individual students, in
which transition services are discussed.

n. Staff and students develop a summary of the performance document that is distributed to necessary adult providers that outline needed services and supports, as well as, current abilities.

o. There is evidence of enrollment in postsecondary education or
training, employment, and independent living.

Download only the Transition Self-Advocacy portion of the tool below:

Transition Self-Advocacy Tool